From Passion to Purpose

In the heart of Lebanon, where fertile lands stretch beneath the embrace of the golden Mediterranean sun, the captivating story of Pairhouse S.A.R.L. unfolds—a story that speaks to the unwavering dedication of a family bound by their love for the land and the legacy they’re determined to create. This is the story of Georges El Nahry, his beloved wife, Alen Ibrahim, and their son, the indefatigable Alexandre El Nahry.

It all commenced with a humble boy and a profound passion. At the tender age of 14, Alexandre discovered the enchanting world of beekeeping. What began as a curious fascination soon grew into a part-time avocation. His journey began with just two beehives, but with each passing year, his devotion to these winged wonders flourished. The number of beehives under his care multiplied, mirroring the exponential growth of his dedication. Today, at the age of 18, Alexandre has blossomed into one of the largest commercial beekeepers in Lebanon, a testament to the extraordinary potential ignited by a simple passion.

Yet, the narrative extends beyond the vibrant buzz of the beehives. Rooted deeply in their ancestral Lebanese lands, the El Nahry family, motivated by a profound connection to their heritage, embarked on the journey of planting olive trees. These ancient groves became a symbol of their commitment to the earth, each tree a living testament to their devotion. The meticulous care of the olive groves led to the creation of exquisite olive oil, a rich and flavorful elixir that captures the essence of Lebanon’s fertile soil.

The family’s passion and success were shared with the local community and eventually extended into a dream. A dream to introduce the world to the unparalleled excellence of Lebanese agricultural products, while simultaneously bolstering the nation’s economy and uplifting local farmers who had toiled on these lands for generations. From this noble vision, the very first seeds of Lebfarms were sown.

Lebfarms, as its name suggests, is far more than a brand; it’s a testament to the family’s relentless pursuit of authenticity and quality. Every jar of honey, every bottle of olive oil, and every meticulously crafted product encapsulates the soul of Lebanon. It’s a representation of their commitment to sharing the true taste of their homeland with the world—a taste that exemplifies excellence and authentic Lebanese heritage.

What commenced as a young boy’s curiosity has now blossomed into a heartfelt mission, and the story of Pairhouse and Lebfarms is a tale of boundless passion, unwavering dedication, and the transformation of a simple hobby into a noble purpose. It’s an invitation to join them on a journey that celebrates not only the abundance of Lebanese soil but also the resilience and spirit of the Lebanese people. Their story is a testament to the power of dreams, hard work, and the extraordinary impact that a single family can make in the world of agriculture and beyond. It’s an inspiring odyssey that continues to unfold, capturing the very essence of nature’s bounty and the dreams of a nation.


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